
photo by Daniel Meney from Freeimages


The First International Pandemic Self-Isolation Short Film Festival



We are constantly updating our website and want to share all the Festival relevant news with you. So check in once in a while to see what's new and be up to date about our Festival. Or you can follow us on our social media channels and we'll keep you posted.

Stay safe!



The CORONA SHORT FILM FESTIVAL - The First (and hopefully last) International Pandemic Short Film Festival was a competition for short films initiated as a reaction to the current COVID19 developments. Being aware of the devastating impact of the pandemic, we wanted to make the best out of our situation and give a creative challenge to filmmakers.

For film professionals and film enthusiasts who have already rewatched all the favourite series and movies, read all the books on the shelf and played online games over and over for days, this our festival offered a way of coping with creative stagnation in times of precautionary measures and self-isolation. The challenge was to push one's creativity and skills, while being restricted by the situation and make some film magic.


Our Festival team consisted of self-isolated industry professionals who decided to make their homes into festival offices. We work voluntarily, on a no buget and non-profit basis, but with a lot of love for film.




The selected films were part of our Competition program, which is published on our website. All contributions from the Program competed for the GRAND JURY PRIZE and AUDIENCE AWARD.

Meet our jury!

Our international festival jury remotely watched and chose the winner out of the selected Competition contributions, and therefore the winner of the GRAND JURY PRIZE.


The GRAND JURY PRIZE as well as the AUDIENCE AWARD were created by the Serbian ceramics artist Boris Bogdanović inspired by our Festival logo.

Our friends at fritz-kola put a lot of trust in our jury and audience and awarded the winner of the jury prize with 1500 €, as well as the winner of the audience voting with 500 €.

The two winning films were also picked up for international sales & distribution by our partner 'interfilm Berlin'.